全国服务热线 86-0532-88253808


青岛佰荣祥木业公司成立于2001年,占地面积100,000 m2,厂房面积38,000m2,是世界上制造出口红橡实木复合门的Zui大工厂,同时也是生产壁橱、储藏间百叶折叠门、衣橱门的Zui大工厂。我们与多家世界连锁超市和建材供应商合作,长期供货,其中橡木门连续5年在美国市场销量第一,在全球享有良好的声誉。多年来,公司坚持技术创新,在全球实木复合木门同行当中,生产效率一直保持领先的地位 。生产上采用先进的机械化流水线作业,使我们能够做到高效率、高标准和高质量。公司有28条室内木门、百叶折叠木门、家具生产流水线。在涂装方面,我们有先进的白漆自动喷漆线和清漆自动喷漆线,UV辊涂、淋涂流水线,可用于NC、PE、PU和水性漆。 目前公司月生产能力为50000扇,其中: 室内房间木门30000扇;壁橱、百叶折叠木门20000扇。同时我们还生产30分钟、60分钟和90分钟防火门。产品远销美国 、加拿大、英国、法国、意大利、比利时及中东。佰荣祥木业公司地处全球10大港口之一的青岛;距离青岛流亭国际机场仅10分钟车程;距青岛港40km。便利的交通和得天独厚的地理优势为产品的及时送达提供了双重保障。 目前,公司生产木门选用的主要材种为北欧、北美、南美及非洲高档和名贵木材。我们高度重视产品的质量。佰荣祥木业公司获得了多项认证:如ISO9001质量体系认证,ISO14001环境管理体系认证,FSC森林管理委员会认证,欧洲E1级标准及CARB1和CARB2美国加州空气质量认证等。我们坚持使用高品质的原材料,从芯材、板材到木皮,全部为进口材料,以确保每一件产品都精工细作、健康环保、经久耐用。 十二年的出口历史,不仅在国际木门市场上赢得了良好的口碑,并且造就了一支高效、精干的队伍。我们可以将世界同步流行的Zui新款式及材料以高性价比的组合推介给客户。使您身处国内依然可以享受到世界的装修体验。 2010年我公司组建强有力的内销设计、技术、施工团队,在原有出口的基础上,开发和研制了大量的新产品,用于销售,与国内大型房地产公司、装饰公司、星级酒店、政府工程合作,提供高档木门和家具,取得了良好的业绩。 我们可以将世界同步流行的Zui新款式及材料以高性价比的组合推介给客户。使您身处国内依然可以享受到世界的装修体验。Fortune Wooden Products Co., Ltd, one of the most prominent and largest wooden door manufacturersin China,is specialized in producing various engineered wooden doors, frames and mouldings.At themoment, theproduction capacityis 40,000doors per month. All the products are entirely exported to America, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Belgium, Middle East as well as the other countries throughout the world. Fortune is developing and expanding rapidly; thecurrent floorspaceis 67,000 m2which includesa workshop and a warehouse(28,000 m2)now. Meanwhile, the new project, aworkshop of 14,000 m2, is under construction,which is expected to be completed in the first half of 2008, and by that time, the output will increaseto 60,000 doors per month.Fortune is located in Qingdao - one of the 10 largestsea ports of the world -and is close to the international airport (only 10 minutes' driving distance); the port and the manufacturing plantare approximately 40 km apart; as a result, the convenient transportation and the advantage ofstrategiclocation greatly enhance the delivery. At present, our main speciesof production are White Oak, Red Oak, Walnut, Maple, Cherry, Mahogany, Radiated Pine, Russia Pine, Hemlock and Knotty Alder. In particular, the exquisite Oak Engineered Doors, the output of whichis 20,000doors per month now, not onlyare highlypraised by customers, but also well-marketed. Our motto - To be the best wooden door supplier in the world, inspires the staffto thrive constantly to improve. We attach highimportance to the quality of the products. Fortune has obtained the certification of ISO 9001,14001 as well as FSC in order toensure that every product is functional, desirable and well-constructed. Jeffrey Niu, President of the corporation, having engaged in and studied thewood industry andmanufacturing processfor 20 years, has been leading an excellent technical working group and an experienced management team to control the quality effectively. Therefore, having produced high-quality doors consistently, having supplied clients with satisfactory products sincerely, having served customers well, Fortune has built up a high reputation in the trade and established a renowned trademark - FORTUNE. 网址: www.fortunewd.com
木材 ; 刨花板 ; 密度板 ; 油漆 ; 胶 ; 包装材料。 ; 木门
1200万元人民币 (万元)


  • 地址:青岛 青岛市城阳区流亭街道双埠社区.
  • 邮编:266108
  • 电话:86-0532-88253808
  • 联系人:未提供
  • 传真:86-0532-88253100
  • Email:hr@fortune-woodendoor.com